Falcon Landing
What is the Falcon Landing?
Falcon Landing is our before and after school program housed in Fisher. This program is ran by certified teachers or paraprofessionals that work at Fisher. It is a convenient way for your child in grade K-6th to stay in a safe, caring, affordable environment while you are at work. The program is only operational on days that school is in session. Our hours are from 7:00am-8:45am/ 3:45pm-6:00pm. Before care consists of playing and interacting with peers before school begins. The afternoon consists of snacks, homework time, then playing and interacting with peers. Payment is dependent on the days we are in school each month and which option you may need. A payment calendar will be provided to you each month. If you have any questions please contact the director of Falcon Landing, Michelle Odom, or call the school at 735-4180.
New instructions:
1) Call the Falcon Landing landline in the morning (405) 735-4187 from your car and a teacher will come to the front door to let your child in. Since no visitors are allowed in the building the teacher will sign your child in for the morning. Please do not leave until you see your child is safely in the hands of the Falcon Landing teacher.
2) For aftercare call the Falcon Landing landline and let the teachers know who you are picking up. We will have them gather their belongings and walk them to the front of the building. If we are outside there will be a sign indicating we are on the playground and you can pull to the back. Stay in your car and a teacher will get your child and bring them to you and then we will sign them out.
Hours of Operation Cost per student:
Morning Care only - 7:00-8:45 - $47.25 per week
After Care only - 4:00-6:00 - $54.00 per week
Before and After Care - $94.00 per week
Drop-in Fee morning - $10.00 per morning
Drop-in Fee afternoon - $12.00 per afternoon
Would you like more info on Falcon Landing?
Print your Falcon Landing Contract.
Print your DHS Enrollment Form.
Print your Falcon Landing Enrollment Form.
*Enrollment Fee - $30.00 per year for first child
$15.00 for each additional child.*
For more information contact the Fisher office at 735-4180 or Michelle Odom.